2024/2025 Annual Plan of Provision: Click here
St Charles’ School is a Catholic Community which aims to provide the best possible education for our children. Each individual is encouraged to grow in the love and knowledge of God and Christ’s teaching. An effective partnership is encouraged between families, parish and school. This provides an environment of love and respect, security and confidence, which allows every child to achieve his or her full potential - and be happy.
We aim to:
- Ensure that the school has a well-planned and stimulating Religious Education programme;
- Bring the children into a closer relationship with God by studying the Gospels and Christ’s teaching;
- Provide a sound basis for the development of each individual and to enable the interactions and personal examples of us all to reflect Christ’s teaching and example;
- Ensure that prayer is an integral part of school life, whether simple spontaneous prayer or formal prayer;
- Encourage full, conscious and active participation in worship, prayer and liturgy, so that they become meaningful and spiritual experiences;
- Recognise that religious growth and development demands wider experience than that which can be offered as timetabled RE lessons;
- Develop an awareness of God’s presence in his or her life and respond to God’s invitation to enter into a personal relationship with Him, thus enabling him or her to become a positive Christian member of society.
We are committed to classroom R.E., then, because all pupils have the right to receive an overall education which will enable them, in the light of the faith of the church, to engage with the deepest questions of life and find reason for the hope which is within them (1 Peter 3:15). Religious education is, then, the core subject in our Catholic school.
At St Charles, we allocate 10% of the curriculum time to Religious Education; we follow the Salford Diocesan Religious Education Guidelines which advocates the use of Come and See as a core academic scheme of work. This is complemented by CARITAS in Action which promotes child led activities in social outreach. Class and Whole School Worship also aim to be child led, modelled by the GIFT Team, developing prayer and meditation techniques such as mindfulness, as well as praise and singing. We have high expectations; tasks given to pupils will be clearly focused and sufficiently demanding; it includes analysis, reflection, critical appreciation of sources and examples, and a real sense of progression through the different stages of education.