St Charles RC Primary School

Welcome to

St Charles RC Primary School

  1. Class Pages
  2. Class 5

Class 5

Welcome to Class 5! Mr Taylor is the Class Teacher, supported on a daily basis by Mrs Byrom. Mrs Byrom will provide cover for Mr Taylor, usually each Thursday afternoon.

Class 5 is an exciting year with lots to look forward to, and also, lots of change. We want your child to be as happy and successful as possible, so we ask that you contact us should you wish to discuss any aspect of Class 5 and, for children in Year 6, your child’s transition to High School.  

Our timetable


Wednesday and Thursday will be our PE days during the autumn term. PE Kit should brought into school for PE on these days and pupils change in school to help them prepare for High School.  PE kits can left in school to be returned at half-term for washing. We may send PE kits home sooner for a wash should the need arise.  

Monday afternoons

On Monday afternoons, pupils in Class 5 take part in a carousel of Computing (taught by Mr Taylor), Music (taught by Mrs Dewhurst) and Spanish (taught by Mrs Horsfall). 


Homework will be sent home on a Monday and will be asked to be returned to school the following Monday. We will allow children to settle into Class 5 in the first week or so before sending homework home. Homework in the autumn term will consist of spellings and reading practice. Pupils will have a homework book in Class 5 and this will be sent home on a Monday to be returned to school the following Monday. 


The children will have statutory spellings to practise. Time will also be allocated in class for spellings practice in class. Whilst some spelling tests will take place throughout the year, we will generally practise spelling words in context and using the words to gain a better understanding of their meaning and spelling pattern.  

Reading comprehension 

Each week a reading comprehension will be sent home as homework. 


We encourage your child to read for a minimum of 20 minutes, 4 nights a week. It is a good idea to encourage your child to read independently in order to develop a love of reading, but it is also still good for you to read to your child. 

Pupils have chosen books from our class library and they are able to take these books home so long as they are returned to school. We will regularly discuss the books the children are reading – and the books we are reading ourselves. Guided Reading sessions take place in Class 5 four times weekly and we will ensure pupils have access to a huge range of texts across the academic year. 

Getting in touch

We use ClassDojo for communications. Please send a dojo message if you need to get in touch with either Mr Taylor or Mrs Byrom.